Led insect lighting

Together with major players in the insect industry such as Protix and Insectocycle we develop and produce custom insect lighting. We work together with the client. The client has the knowledge to grow insects as healthy as possible.

Why insects?

Larvae, flies and insects play an increasingly important role in our society. It is a sustainable and environmentally friendly way of farming. In several countries people use insects as a meat substitute. In the Netherlands this is not yet common.  Here, it is mainly used as a food source for cattle, fish or for protein and fats.

In previous projects, our insect lighting improved the reproduction of flies. These insects include, for example, the black soldier fly.


Insect lighting is widely used. From research to production. Each application has its own specific requirements. Research luminaires test different LEDs at different strengths and light colors. So-called research luminaires are advanced products. With this, the tests achieve rapid results. This in turn leads to optimal insect growth recipes.

For production, simplicity and a robust product are especially important. The fixture must be able to be mounted quickly and the cost price must be practically nil. By clever development and because Led-e-Lux manages all aspects, this process can also be completed in a few weeks/months.


The lighting plan is developed together with the customer. This cooperation is essential for the success of the assignment.

We take care of the transition of your requirements to LED lighting. Whether this is in terms of luminaires or lighting, we provide appropriate solutions. These solutions are tailored specifically for you. The requirements from your development are directly converted into a tangible luminaire.

Our innovative luminaires are produced in our own workshop from only the very best materials. The LEDs we process come from reputable manufacturers who can also deliver according to specification at a later date.


Because we make exactly what your development prescribes, you do not have to compromise with existing solutions. The product we deliver to you is made specifically for you.  This product is thus optimized for your use.

Please contact us for an introductory meeting. We will help you set up a well thought-out process and optimize your production and resources by delivering exactly the right insect lighting.

Insect lighting for flies
Insect lighting for flyes
fish and Insect lighting
LED Insect lighting